Friday, January 27, 2012

Fun Friday: Texting Typos Anyone? :-)

As more of us delve further into 21st century communications, we're certain send more texts than ever before. And thanks to the wonderful invention of Auto-Correct, sometimes I'm sure you wish you had proofread before you sent a few of those many texts!

Oh, how we wish we'd apply the simple rules of professionally written language to our informal chatter... or that an Undo or Cancel button would be available to STOP it before it was sent! (really... a 10 second delay is all we would need in most cases!)

If you haven't seen these yet, the Ellen Show has done a few segments on "Clumsy Thumbsy" (each about 2-3 minutes long, with an ad in the beginning)...  Enjoy, but be ready for loud laughter!!! (may want to watch after hours so no one questions you... but see below for the REAL EDUCATIONAL VALUE to all this... AND remember the importance of PROOFREADING before you SEND!)

January 2012 episode

November 2011 episode

This can be a valid lesson for your students! (maybe not shwing them the Ellen clips... careful with appropriateness), but you can simulate your own text messages at which could actually have some educational value, for example:
  • teach students to communicate appropriately with different audiences
  • sentence structure and grammar practice
  • simulate text messages between famous historical figures, whether alive at the same time or not! (e.g. - George Washington and John Adams; Steve Jobs and Bill Gates; Adolph Hitler and Napoleon; Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton; etc.)
  • foreign language conversations (or vocab review)
  • spelling list or vocab list (with or without examples or definitions)
  • See more examples at Tammy W's site...
P.S. - There are many other websites with funny text message typos, but many are NOT school appropriate... therefore, not included here.  ;-)


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