Tuesday, January 19, 2010

16 Habits of Mind

From Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick's  book Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: 16 Essential Characteristics for Success
More information and teaching resources can be found here: http://www.instituteforhabitsofmind.com/what-are-habits-mind  
From their website...
To understand the intent of the Habits of Mind, there needs to be a shift in perspective of what’s important in learning.   Traditionally, parents and educators are impressed with how many answers students know—scores on tests, for example. Although right answers are important, the critical attribute of efficacious human beings is not only having right answers or information, but also knowing how to act on it.  With Habits of Mind, we are focused on how students behave when they don’t know the answer! As we consider the uncertain environment in which our students will take a role, we need to ask: Are we preparing students for a life of tests, or for the tests of life?

1.    Persisting
2.    Listening with understanding and empathy
3.    Thinking about your thinking (metacognition)
4.    Questioning and problem solving
5.    Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
6.    Creating, imagining, and innovating
7.    Taking responsible risks
8.    Thinking interdependently
9.    Managing impulsivity
10.    Thinking flexibly
11.    Striving for accuracy
12.    Applying past knowledge to new situations
13.    Gathering data through all senses
14.    Responding with wonderment and awe
15.    Finding humor
16.    Remaining open to continuous learning

    Download a PDF of the 16 Habits and a brief description here (14 pgs.)

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